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Looking for the artist in me!

To begin with, art has always fascinated me. Art is everywhere, how a mother wraps up an infant in a swaddling cloth, according to me, is pure art. So is the dried leaf on the pavement and so is the cooing of a new born. I have never had a professional training in any of the art disciplines but I have tried my hand often in many art eccentric activities. I enjoyed being a part of activities that involved art. Art fascinated me, made me curious and at times even made me uneasy. Over all my reaction with arts I would say has been very cordial.
However, collage making terrified me and I refused to even give it a shot. In school, collage making was structured. You were expected to show excellent creativity with random pieces of paper and somehow my art teacher made it "compulsory" to cover the whole piece of paper and leave no empty space. I knew I was not this genius artist and so I left school avoiding, disliking and ignoring collage making. In retrospect I think mandatory structuring was the reason I did not favour 'collage making' as an art practice.
The dawn of the internet changed my notions towards art. My curiosity cleared many doubts I had about art. Collage making changed its definition. I saw hundreds of images on Google and I realized that my art teacher's philosophy for collages was not necessarily the one that resonated with me. Once that was settled, I convinced my self that I will try to make a collage... someday!
I never got to that day. Until, while undergoing my teacher candidate training program, my professor without giving a prior heads-up asked us to make a collage. For a moment I froze, wondering what my professor would say next about the collage making activity. To my utter surprise he said nothing. Off went everyone to work on their collages.
So I gathered my courage and stared my very first collage.
I found one small cut out of a man with arrows surrounding him and instantly, my brain made a blueprint of the finished collage. Everything just kept falling in place from there on. I found exactly what I was looking for in such a short time that I was surprised. My collage showed my relationship with art and how my brain lights up when I am allowed to be creative and work in my comfort zone. I was ecstatic. I was so proud of my work. Now, all I wanted to do was make collages.
